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Member newsletter

The Angair member newsletter is emailed to members each month. The aim of the newsletter is to keep people informed about Angair activities, local flora and fauna and conservation issues relevant to our area.

Other publications

Angair has for sale, books, cards and brochures about indigenous flora and fauna. They are available from the Angair Natural History Centre or by mail order. All profits are used for land conservation purposes.

To order online and pay by credit card please complete the Online Order Form.

Alternatively, click to download the Angair orderform. Complete the form and send your payment as per the instructions on the form.


Angair: the first 50 years
Roslyn Gibson
$Aus 45.00 240pp colour
Describes Angair’s achievements and milestones in caring for the environment since 1969


Anglesea – A Natural History Study
$Aus 15.00  87pp b&w
A comprehensive introduction to the district, particularly the natural environment and its flora and fauna, local reserves and walking tracks. Includes Angair Indigenous Plant List (see below)


Angair Indigenous Plant List
$Aus 3.00 11pp b&w
Comprehensive list of indigenous plants found in the Anglesea-Aireys Inlet district with scientific and common names, month of flowering and habitat


Orchids of the Anglesea District
Fourth edition
Margaret MacDonald
$Aus 30.00 133pp colour
Colour photographs with detailed descriptions to assist identification in the field


Plants suitable for Growing in the Surf Coast Shire
Brochure with colour photographs and descriptions of over 50 indigenous plants suitable for use in local gardens.


Environmental Weeds: Invaders of our Surf Coast
Free – Click to download PDF version (3.2 MB)
53pp colour
Descriptions and methods of control of introduced plants known to cause problems in areas of natural vegetation. Essential for gardeners in the area


Fungi of the Surf Coast Shire
Free – Click to download PDF version
An introduction to the fascinating world of fungi with over 100 colour photographs


Birds of Aireys Inlet and Anglesea on the Great Ocean Road
Margaret Lacey
$Aus 55.00 120pp full colour
Essential bird book for the area. Photographs of local birds in their natural habitat. Useful bird list and accessible text suits all ages.

FEO Walks Booklet

A Guide to Walks in the Great Otway National Park Eastern Section
Friends of Eastern Otways
$Aus 22.00 58pp full colour
Detailed track notes for 38 walks in the park plus map of walks