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When a group of Angair members set off for the monthly Nature Ramble, the bush was looking rather dry, despite all the rain we had earlier.

There were a few flowers as we headed down Ixodia Track, but when we reached Black Wattle Track, a little further along, we were delighted to see a wonderful display of Ixodia, Ixodia achillaeoides subsp. alata. The number of plants was quite spectacular and almost overwhelming!


Growing to over one metre high, the white papery daisies were in full bloom.

The fine, waxy, dark green leaves were nearly hidden by the mass of flowers. This area was burnt a couple of years ago, which stimulated the growth and number of these plants.

An interesting find growing on the side of the track were a few plants of Star Cudweed, Euchiton sphaericus.

Star Cudweed

The group of leaves behind the nearly spherical flower form a star shape: hence its common name. The leaves are dark green above but white and cottony underneath.

Star Cudweed

There were a lot of spider webs along the way, and in one area there were three or four Spiny Spiders in the middle of each of their webs.

spinyspiderSpiny Spider

The other outstanding plant we saw was the Sandhill Sword-sedge, Lepidosperma sieberi (formerly L. concavum).

Sandhill Sword-sedge

Some of the plants were in flower (above) while others had finished (below). This sedge obviously responds well to fire!

Sandhill Sword-sedge

It was wonderful to see this area of bush looking so beautiful as we headed back to the town.


Christine Morrissey
Photos by Christine Morrissey and Ellinor Campbell